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Bible study tips for beginners

We shared recently some hints on choosing a Bible study that is right for you. Now, we have some Bible study tips to help you get in the right frame of mind to sit down with God’s Word.

Remember… there is no one-size-fits-all approach to Bible study. You need to find your own sweet spot when it comes to your quiet time, but we hope these tips will get you started.

Bible Study Tip 1 – Set the Time

If you have little ones it can be especially tough to carve time out of your day to study the Bible. Can you get up 15-20 minutes earlier than normal? Is there some uninterrupted time while the kids are down for a nap? It might be a good idea to wait until the school age kids are out the door before sitting down for your quiet time.

If you don’t have any built-in distractions, then take a look at what time of the day you are the sharpest. Are you bright-eyed and bushy tailed first thing in the morning? Does it take until mid-day for the coffee to kick in or are you more of a night owl? There really is no right answer here. If you can’t find that perfect time, don’t sweat it. Go ahead with your study, even if you get interrupted a million times. It’s okay. God knows your heart and He has a way of ministering to busy women’s souls through whatever amount of quiet time you are able to carve out.

Bible Study Tip 2 – Find a Spot

You’ve decided WHEN you are going to study, now you need to figure out the WHERE. It seems like a pretty easy decision, until you try to find a place quiet enough to concentrate and get comfortable.

Look for a place you can set aside to go to every day. Whether it is an overstuffed living room chair, a spot at the dining room table or a swing on the back deck, find a place where you can get comfortable. Hopefully, you’ll be spending a lot of time there.

Can’t find the perfect spot? You’re not alone. Susanna Wesley, the mother of John and Charles Wesley (world-renowned church leaders) had to find a way to spend time with God in a tiny house with 10 small children. So she got creative. She sat in her favorite chair with her Bible and threw her apron up over her head. That makes quite the mental picture, doesn’t it? But every one of those kids respected it. They knew when their mother was under the apron, she was with God and not to be disturbed.

Bible Study Tip 3 – Set the Mood

Once you have that spot, what will help you feel even more comfortable?

Coffee, tea or hot chocolate is pretty crucial, don’t you think? Make sure you have that ready to go. Do you enjoy candles? Lighting one may help you relax. If you get chilly, grab a comfy blanket to wrap up in. Some quiet worship music playing in the background can help drown out the barking dog from down the street. Figure out what you need to remove or at least reduce distractions. You’ll be glad you did.

Bible Study Tip 4 – Get your tools

Now, let’s grab your tools.

Obviously, you need your Bible. If you don’t have one yet, there are a lot of great translations available that are easy to understand. Websites like and the Bible app on your phone are a great place to try different translations and find the one that is easiest for you to read.

Pens and pencils, highlighters, post-its and a notebook… all of them can be helpful Bible study tools. If you’re the creative type, you might use stickers, stamps or decorative elements to help you dig in. There are even Bibles that can be illustrated to help students grasp what God is teaching them. Use whatever will help you learn best.

For Andy Lee, author of the Radiant Influence Bible study, it all starts with her journal. “Always have a journal with you,” she suggests. ‘So as you read and find a scripture that speaks to you, you can jot that Scripture down and maybe even put a prayer with it. To me, journaling really adds to that quiet time.”

Bible Study Tip 5 – Start off with prayer

You’ve got your time, your spot is selected and the mood is set, your tools are in place. You think you’re all ready, but before you get started, you really should do one more thing.

Sit back, take a deep breath and pray.

Ask God to open your eyes, heart and mind to what He has for you today. Ask Him to speak louder than the distractions and to protect your time together. He is so incredibly faithful. He won’t mind you asking.

Okay. Now you’re ready to relax and dig into the Word.

CrossRiver Media

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CrossRiver Media
Tags: Bible study

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