Lindsey Bell author of Unbeaten published by Christian publisher CrossRiver Media

Lindsey Bell has been writing for as long as she can remember. Although her first book called Flash that she wrote as a second or third grader is cringeworthy at best. 😉

Lindsey submitted her first article for publication as a college student, upon the suggestion of a professor who saw something in her that she couldn’t yet see herself. (Teachers out there, your words matter more than you may ever realize.)

Since that first article was accepted for publication, Lindsey has written many more articles for magazines, blogs, and online sources.

She is the author of two books, Unbeaten and Searching for Sanity. She is a contributing author to various other books including: Hello Mornings Bible studies, the Abba’s Heart devotional collection, and the Big Dreams from Small Spaces devotional. Lindsey is a speaker for women’s events, mom groups, and writer’s conferences.

Lindsey’s desire is to inspire and encourage women through honest dialogue about faith, family, and learning to love the life she’s been given.

As a woman who has lost four babies to miscarriage, Lindsey loves helping others find God in the midst of heartache. Find Lindsey online at She is also on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest (and others when she can find the time…which doesn’t happen all that often).

When Lindsey’s Not Writing….

She lives with her once-high-school-sweetheart-now-husband, Keith. They have two children and a dog that never leaves her side, Champion. She’s an avid reader and a lover of all things chocolate.

With teenage children, Lindsey is busy shuttling them around to their various activities. She is often going to their baseball and football games, and watching them grow up WAY too fast! She’s also active in her local church, where her husband serves as the creative arts minister.

Lindsey is a copywriter, editor, and ghostwriter for a holistic health and nutrition practitioner. Her favorite thing to do is travel. She loves spending time at the beach, but for some reason, God placed Lindsey in the Midwest, where the nearest beach is more than ten hours away!